Sunday, 1 December 2013

DAY 2 and 3

Hey there people! It's me again... Tahune! Yesterday we were kind of slack and really tired from the trip.. but after morning tea, I am sorry to say.. mum went kind of nutsy Fagan on her 53rd birthday and decided to take a waist high dip in the Tumut (pronounced Doomut in Warijuri) River! I couldn't believe it... such reckless behaviour... Swimming in 8 degree water?? And on top of that the river was flowing fast and there's heaps of trees and submerged dangers in there....  Is she mad? Well, according to dad she is!

Ooh!  I forgot to tell you that we had two visitors just after brekkie! Mum even videoed them... two copperhead snakes not ten feet from our van! I was not coming out of the van until they had gone.

We all went for a walk after lunch and found the wetlands walk very peaceful and enjoyable. We even found a nice quiet spot where the water runs backwards with mum and dad intending to go fishing before dinner. I think I will just sit here and watch the river... It is just so peaceful and spinning rods and lures are a bit fast paced for me... you have to remember, I am a Wombat after all.

Mum returned after catching two trout, the first one was a good size and the second was a smaller rainbow, but she decided to follow the 'catch and release'.. She told me she had a lovely time so that's all that mattered, especially as it is her birthday today! Dad didn't even catch a cold... Ha Ha dad!

On Day 3

We woke after a great night's sleep, ate breakfast and then dad added to fuel to the fire and asked mum if she was going to take another dip? She said she was! This time dad is going to video it.... Brrrrr! It's freezing, mum told me where she went in was a safe swimming hole and not to worry as she knew the river and where it was safe and where it was not. Sure enough... dad got the whole thing on video. Mum wasn't in the water for too long as it doesn't take long to cool down in that water!

Off to the shops to stock up on longlife food and other groceries for the trip as we won't be seeing a bathroom or toilet block for some time. Dad worries a lot.. mum said she doesn't care as long as she's there to tell dad to 'pull his head in' occasionally, we'll be fine. Although I did hear mum say under her breath "the two week bet is looking good!".

I intend to do some fishing as we are leaving here tomorrow and heading off to Tom Groggins camping area in the National Park. I am looking forward to seeing the Murray River (I am a Taswegian after all)... But for now? I am off to enjoy the River while the sun sets..


1 comment:

  1. Oh Tahune ... didn't I ask you to look after Mum? And you just sat there while she went dipping in 8 degree water ... TWICE? :) Still I'm glad you and Dad made sure she had an awesome, nutsy Fagan birthday. Enjoy yourself in Tom Groggins ... and take care of yourself, and Mum & Dad. Big Hugs Tahune!
